
Monday, June 21, 2010


We attended the Inter-Solar trade fair in the new mixed use development in Rheim. This was the largest Solar Trade fair in the world and contained every and any solar product you could think of such as PV Panels,Solar thermal collectors, etc. And there where six more convention halls just like this one packed with vendors and businesses. It was information overload.

This is the entry hall where visitors would register and pick up tickets.

This was the clock tower adjacent to a very modern catholic church

This is a modern interpretation of a stained glass inside of the catholic church. It was impressive.

This image is looking back at the shopping center and church clock tower in Rheim. Rheim used to be the site of an old airport and has been redeveloped into a mixed use community with a large shopping area, convention center, and lots of multifamily house units.

This is one of the many housing projects.

An elementary school in Rheim. It redefines how elementary schools are designed and perceived.

Later that day we went to a organic food dispensary where they fulfill orders from customers and deliver fresh organic produce to their door step. Organic farming is subsidized by the city government to provide high quality produce to its citizens.

Fresh Organic produce. In Munich they call 'organic' food as 'biological' food. I like the terminology.

Spargel, also known as asparagus in english. And the spargel in Munich tastes amazing.

Mooooooooooooo. Where's the beef?

After a long day, I decided to relax in the English Garden.

This fountain is located on Ludwigstrasse, near a university complex.

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